Sodermalm |
Crawdad Party |
Stockholm's Grand Hotel |
This last week was a super good week, we saw a lot of miracles come from it. So an appropriate week for a missionary. I am still loving Stockholm, it is a pretty sick city. Especially now towards the end of summer. So basically its not as hot and sweaty but its still sunny and bright. It actually is getting dark around 10 now every day. Soon we will only have the light for a couple hours out of every day, so were grateful for the sun while its around. It also has been raining a ton these last couple days.
Around five weeks ago, I spoke to a man on the subway and didn't have time to get his number but gave him a book of Mormon and a contact card and barely was able to jump off of the train when the doors were closing. He said he would come to church the next week but never did. This week when we were going to open up the church building during open church times he drove up and began talking to us. We taught him about Joseph Smith and the Restoration and it was a very powerful moment when we spoke about Joseph Smith. He shared that he had always wondered who was carrying on the work the apostles had started. We challenged him to read and pray to know if it was true. He had already read through the beginning of the Book of Mormon and came to the promise in the introduction and had already read to know it was true and received the answer that it was true. We committed him to baptism.
During the month of August in Sweden there are kräft-skivor, or crawdad platter parties. We were invited out to a picnic/crawdad party this last week so that was cool. Crawdads have always kind of been a southern thing in my mind but every august in Sweden people go crazy for them.
We were doing personal family history this last week and I had been struggling recently to get any progress with my own family history. After praying and really searching for guidance I was able to find some of my Norwegian sides names in old census records. I found their parents names and their family. It doesn't matter what aspect of the work it is the Lord blesses our efforts and helps us be of great benefit to our fellow man.
It crazy we are in August already. I am still loving it, Mott and I are doing way good. His Swedish is getting very good and he is definitely eager to get the work done which is whats important.
Love ya all,
Äldste Jon Moe