Eskilstuna-Spring 2013 |
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Äldste Moe on Thors Hill |
Torshälla-Spring 2013 |
The last two week have been really busy. Which, I guess when you're a missionary isn't necessarily a bad thing. We started off last week with a ward pasta night. A non-member came to the church and showed everyone how to make legit Italian pasta. With only eggs and flour. So that was pretty cool. Its especially useful for missionaries, good cheap and easy. Food is never a bad thing.
For a couple days of last week we had companionship splits. Missionaries do splits so we can learn from others and also see what we can be doing better as a companionship. I stayed in our area with Elder Higham from the southern Eskilstuna area. He is just as new as Elder Judd is here in Sweden. It's always fun working with new missionaries. It reminds me of how not so long ago I was new and unable to hold a conversation in Swedish. While on splits we went up and visited a city called Torshälla that missionaries haven't been to in a while. It is such a pretty little town that borders northern Eskilstuna. It's in our area and we are going to try and do some more work up there.
We got to go over to a members house for dinner one night and she was so kind and generous. I knew she was very athletic and played sport and I asked her if she played soccer because I had a feeling she was really good. She had played on the Nigerian National team and had won two gold medals in two world cups for soccer. So she was one of the best in soccer. After a bit she got injured and could no longer play professionally. She said the gospel has brought her more peace and joy then any advice, kind words, or therapy all the professionals in the world could supply. She is grateful for the struggle and for the amount she has grown from it. I have so much respect for her because of the scope with which she is able to look at her situation.
This week a lot of my studies have been from the Old Testament, and about the journey of Israel to inherit the land their fathers were promised. I came across a scripture I have read before but never before in context. And doing so helped me to gain a new understanding of it. The scripture is Deuteronomy 31:6. "Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he is it that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee". Israel was moving into the Holy Land, the land they said would be delivered unto them and there were kingdoms, and great nations already set up in the land. And Moses, the man they saw bring the plagues upon Egypt and deliver them from the wilderness, would not be going with them. But the Lord our God is the one that was with them during all those times, its wasn't by the power of Moses they were delivered. It was by the power of God. It's important for us to realize the Lord can guide us in all things and if we put our trust in him we cannot fail.
This week ended perfectly. We got a call from someone who had not been wanting to meet with missionaries. While reading the bible he became enlightened, and more understanding came to him. He felt the Book of Mormon was another testament of Jesus Christ. And, like the Bible, it was written by Holy Men of God as inspired by the Holy Ghost. We are meeting with him again and doing our best to find others like him. I'm happy we're able to teach and to help people come to know their Savior.
Med Vänlig Hälsningar,
Äldste Jon Moe.