Hello all, as you may have heard I finally made it to Sverige! (Sweden!). I am so excited to be here and be a missionary in Skövde, a town to the west of Stockholm but just North east of Göteborg. My companion is Äldste Geddes from Cambridge England. He is awesome and I am excited to be his comp. He has been in Sweden for around ten months. His hump day (Year mark) is in two weeks.
Well before I go into details I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, I was still in the Richmond Virginia mission for Christmas and was hosted by a member family which was amazing, I had such a great holiday season. They made amazing breakfast and Dinner on Christmas day. It was sad saying goodbye to the ward I had gotten to know but I did it and eventually had to say goodbye to my companions to fly to Sweden. Because of the six hour difference I lost a day in transit. When we finally got to Sweden President and Syster Newell were there waiting for us. It was finally good to see them in real life. They are both amazing they both care so much for the missionaries and do they're best to make us feel welcome. Which they did. We went straight in to Stockholm and did some street contacting. It was actually a lot of fun. We were in downtown Stockholm and it reminded me a lot of Soho in New York. The people were all way nice and willing to talk. We spent the night in the mission Home. The mission Home has a strong spirit to it and immediately you feel at home. Syster Newell is an amazing cook and we ate with them that night. We woke up at 6:30 the next morning to go on a run. It was so cold, I don't understand how I did it. We walked to a certain place then ran back. After like fifteen minutes of walking I wasn't as cold because it had sunk in but I could feel myself thaw out when we got back inside. We went to a few meetings then I found out who my comp is. His name is Äldste Geddes and he is from England, we are serving in the Skövde area which if you look at a map actually includes 8 largish towns because it includes all of the area in between the two big lakes in Sweden. So our area is definitely quite large. We take the buses and trains to different towns in our own area.

On my first morning here Äldste Geddes took me to a giant hill outside Skövde where a swimming pool and center is run during the summer but was completely iced over now, anyway we could see all of Skövde below. It was really quite significant being up there the spirit there was strong. We had a prayer to start our transfer together and although it was cold and snowy and windy we were warm as we stood and prayed asking God to guide us as we worked in the area below. We set high goals for our transfer here with faith knowing that we could do anything.
The work is definitely picking up in Sweden, I am so blessed to be here during this time. I love the country and the people. And Ive only been here a couple days. I am getting beat up when it comes to Swedish but I am trying very hard to catch up and become fluent. I hope everyone is well.
MVH, Ha en God Jul och en bra Ny År!
Äldste Moe.
(This message is from Elder Moe from last week)
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